Well, we sort of fell off the face of the Earth there for a minute, but we're back! My computer charger kicked the bucket and blogging became impossible. That, coupled by Kai coming down with a lovely little virus called Hand, Foot and Mouth. Good grief that was a disater! That poor kid was in serious agony for a solid week. He had open sores covering his tongue and couldn't eat or drink. Following that, we had to transition Kai into a toddler bed because he had become too used to sleeping in a big bed while he was ill. Soooooo, my nights have seen extended hours upstairs in his room waiting for him to fall asleep. Or should I say, watching him run back and forth across the room doing things in hope of a reaction from me. His room is fairly stripped of anything he might use to delay falling asleep, but he continues to find new ways to procrastinate the Zzzz's. Tonight, I observed him rolling his 5'x7' rug up and heaving it into his bed. Ugh. Well, here are a few pictures that have been sitting around for a couple weeks.
Kai has been going to toddler soccer for the past few weeks. Here he is learning to hit the ball or balloon, in this case, off his head.
In the next few, Kai is just being a busy boy and as you will see, getting into some wet mischief.
The last few are of Kai helping Rob convert his crib into a toddler bed. Kai filled it with pillows and blankets. In Kai's world, more IS more.