~Kai's virus took his rashes from bad to worse. What should have only been one to two weeks of breakout lasted a month. Kai's eczema was badly triggered and spiraled out of control. One day, we actually had a scary moment of trying to decide whether we were looking at an allergic reaction or a continuation of the rash. Kai's rash had appeared to be healing when his face suddenly swelled and was enveloping his eye lids. An emergency call to the doctor was made and he had a steady course of Benadryll, oatmeal baths, ice packs, and hydro cortisone ointment. Anyway, here are a couple of images of Kai playing dress up in the basement playroom during the healing process.
I guess one way that you know you have been married a while is when your wedding shower gifts start to give out. Our microwave finally kicked the bucket and we were forced to drop $ on a new one. While we were shopping around, the broken one took up residence on our kitchen floor for a couple weeks. As is prone to happen around here, once something finds a spot, it can become "part of the furniture" and forgotten. Apparently, while Rob and I were busy ignoring the giant appliance, Kai had begun using it as a footlocker. When we got around to taking it to the dump, this is what we discovered inside:
We had an unusual string of HOT HOT HOT weather in March. With temperatures reaching the high 80's we were digging out our summer clothes to get us through the heat wave. Kai came across last summer's sandals. They still fit....almost. The little darling still loves those things.
The warm weather had us breaking out the kiddie pool and we even went to the ocean for relief. Kai had a blast and spent countless hours in the water.
We made a visit to a local playground that week, too. Many moons ago, when Rob and I were very young, there was a local private zoo with exotic animals and carnival rides. In recent years, the town had declared this forgotten acreage to be conservation land and has worked hard to restore it to its once beautiful state. There is a touching memorial for the victims of 911, an exciting new playground, and many miles of scenic trails around ponds and through wooded trails. Even some of the old infrastructures have been preserved allowing the kids can climb into gorilla cages and lion enclosures.
A few weeks ago, Kai wasn't looking quite right and curled up on the couch to watch some t.v. He passed out within minutes and slept for almost 3 hours. I had to take a picture, because he has NEVER just settled down and taken a nap before. EVER. He ended up developing a cold, but bounced back from it within a few days.
Kai was showing off his "robot mask" in this picture. We typically end up with some craft project being erected during the middle of dinner. Kai tends to be a light eater in the evenings these days and needs something to occupy his time while we choke down our food.
Anyway, here are a couple of pictures from Easter. We had a great day visiting family and Kai now has enough loot to keep him busy for a good long while.