As I had mentioned in a previous post, we mailed out a care package to Kai several weeks ago. The small box included a few infant toys, candy for the nannies, a baby blanket, cameras and a photo album. Our package also carried a set of questions that we generated for Kai's caregivers in hopes that we can someday share pieces of his past with him. Unfortunately, the shipping slip that we were given did not allow us to track our package. We have no way of knowing if he received it. It was killing us that we might never get those precious bits of information. In my desperation, I solicited the help of one of the businesses in China that specializes in assembling and delivering care packages to orphanages. I really hope our original package made it to him- it was more personalized. In the end, we are glad that we paid for a second package to be delivered just in case. We opted for the "Chinese New Year" package. It included a small toy, silk pj's, a disposable camera, candies for the caregivers, and a letter from us. We re-submitted the list of questions for the nannies. This online store,
http://redthreadchina.com, will guarantee that the package is delivered to the orphanage. I think he may get it at the end of the week or the next. I'll keep you posted if we hear anything.
I love the red thread website..
ReplyDeletemom L