When we meet Kai, his nannies will make sure that we get a copy of his "Finding Ad." This is Kai's earliest photo. This photo is taken by the orphanage/government officials within a few days of a child being placed within their care. The photo and a statement about the child's finding location are printed in the local newspaper in the event that a parent is trying to locate a missing child. As I may have mentioned in a previous post, China does not have a system for parents to legally surrender their children. Children are therefore strategically "left" for someone to find. Often these children are found in public places such as parks, hospitals, and police stations. In many cases, the parent may be nearby, observing that their child is safely found.
Kai's mother left him a very special gift. She wrote his birthday on a square of red paper. (Red is a symbol of good fortune). A great many children have "invented" birth dates, assigned to them when it is unknown. Kai's mother wanted him to know this about himself. A true sign of affection. We will also receive this for Kai when we go to China.
We were given the names of his favorite nanny and friend.
They say that he loves for people to play with him and talk to him.
His nanny reports that he is a "very good child." They say that he understands different types of facial expressions. When he cries, the tell him "Kai Kai, you cannot cry, crying baby not a pretty baby." After hearing this he will look at his nanny and then stop crying. How cute is that????
We are told that he has been a very healthy baby.
He is not outgoing. He is initially scared of strangers, but will warm up to them in time.
He loves to smile. :)
His nickname is Kai Kai.
Kai must be well loved by these nannies. They are under-staffed and over-loaded with responsibilities, and yet they found the time and initiative to share this information about our little one. We are forever grateful to those who are caring for him in our absence.
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