Several months ago, we sent out two care packages to Kai. The packages contained several items including disposable cameras. It's never a guarantee that the orphanage staff will have the opportunity to take pictures of your child, but many families send them with the hope of preserving those earlier moments at the orphanage. Well, we were beyond ecstatic when we discovered that all three of our cameras had been used. We were eager to have them processed once we returned home. After breakfast today, Kai and I ran over to Rite Aid to retrieve the pictures. Those familiar with international adoption will appreciate the priceless value of the one or two photos given to them of their child prior to adoption. Our experiences with Kai's adoption has been the opposite extreme. Kai's orphanage, SWI Nanjing, has superseded all of our expectations . We were shocked to receive as many referral photos as we did in November, floored by the follow-up photos that were sent to us after the care package was received, and now we find ourselves breathless to possess another 70something pictures of Kai.
As you take time to look at these pictures, please consider why we have been one of the fortunate few. We didn't know this until we travelled to Nanjing, but the children of Kai's orphanage have been touched by a very special group of people. Half the Sky Foundation, an organization founded by an adoptive family, raises funds each year and facilitates, hires, and trains caring individuals to work with our special needs children and provides them additional nurturing within their setting. This organization strives to provide these children with clean, vibrant play spaces, safe equipment and toys, and a setting that will encourage healthy growth and development. Half the Sky provides our children with well trained "aunties" that foster healthy bonds, creating social and emotional bridges that will enable secure attachment with the families that await their futures. In addition to all of the photos that the staff have provided us,this foundation recognized another critical piece to Kai's sense of "personal history"...Upon meeting Kai, we were presented with a Memory Book. For each child in their care, they create a collection of photos and narratives, highlighting typical days and special moments. In these photos, we see Kai, am underweight infant, struggling to grow under the burden of a bilateral cleft lip and palate. In these photos, we meet his favorite auntie, the woman who has nurtured Kai through his most challenging months as he fought to gain enough weight to qualify him for lip surgery. In these photos, we see a little boy smiling, playing with friends, and making huge developmental strides. In these photos we see our KaiKai celebrating his first birthday, we see the loving staff around him CELEBRATING our Kai's existence. In these photos, we see our son happy, loved, and at ease. Years from now, Kai will have this collection of memories to treasure and reflect upon.
Friends and Family, if you are looking for a charitable organization to make financial contributions to this year, please consider Half the Sky Foundation. It is no coincidence that Kai has transitioned into our family as seamlessly as he has. We are forever indebted to HtS for giving Kai the healthy start he needed for the first 16 months of life. If you wish to learn more, please check out this link:
Half the Sky.