Kai has been exploring the world of toddlerhood these past couple of weeks. Lately naps are becoming less predictable. Yesterday I couldn't shower until Rob got home from work because Kai refused his a.m. nap. Although he needs a pre-dinner time nap, they are always few and far between. Today Kai continued his silliness throughout "napptime" and it was a big loss. ****I hope to video his napping antics for you sometime. He is at his cutest when he is trying to change the subject and get you to play with him. I am proud of myself for resisting his charms thus far, but it's killing me. He's such a little goof ball. ;)
Anyway, tonight, while I was wrapping up his early dinner with the intentions of trying another attempt to get him down, I became aware of a car in the driveway. Apparently I had become so wrapped up in piddly little day to day happenings, I completely forgot that I been scheduled to meet with a representative from Early Intervention.
Early Intervention is a service provided by such organizations as Easter Seals. Children under the age of 3, who are not developing/ at risk for not developing as their same age peers, are qualified to receive therapies in given areas of need. Kai's evaluation will take place within our home in a few weeks. Basically, given his cleft condition, Kai will need speech therapy to develop his communication skills and likely physical therapy to work on his gross motor skills(unassisted walking). It is plausible that in the next few weeks that Kai will master independent steps, but at the moment he needs help in this area. I look forward to watching Kai's overall progress over the coming months.
I have been a bit passive in the picture taking department this week, but here's a photo of Kai and his favorite "auntie" from his orphanage. We had the privilege of visiting staff and playroom a couple days after meeting Kai and were sooooo impressed with the love and enthusiasm that all the staff showed for Kai during his return visit. We promised to send them photos of him regularly.
I love to read these updates! Keep them coming! He is so cute and refreshing! Cant wait until we can spend more time with him!
ReplyDeleteSusan and Richie