Okay, I know I've been slow on the updates. I've been using my "free time" to compile photos onto CD's for my family. I was becoming afraid that the 1000 + pictures that I have taken so far were destined for the great digital abiss. I edited them down so that we could get a chance to get them printed. Now that all that is squared away, I can get back to blog'n.
Soooo, why don't I catch y'all up with Kai's progress. If I repeat something I have posted already, let me say 'oops' in advance.
Gross Motor Skills: *walking, *running (as best a 1 1/2 yr old can), *dances by: turning in circles and waving his hands, quick stepping (think, the movie, Flashdance) and high stepping, *walks backwards across the room just for kicks, *climbs the ladder to his slide without assistance, *climbs flights of stairs and is learning how to go down on his bottom/can go down if he is holding my hand
Speech and Communication: ~spontaneously signs for "more", "all done", "bird", "dog", "eat", "milk", "tree", "hello/goodbye", "up", "down", "mommy", "daddy", "swing", "tubby", "baby","ice cream",play", and "shoes" * Kai knows several other signs but hasn't shown consistency with using them yet
~sings the words "lean up, lean up" when we are cleaning up our toys/highchair tray, ~says hello/hi/bye ~ says "ma" for mamma, ~tries to say 'peek-a-boo' but isn't able to get some of the sounds out, ~has attempted to say words like 'daddy' and 'baby' but struggles to do so, ~tries to say "in/out", "up/down" and "open/closed", but again it is hard to understand
He's a busy little guy and we are loving every minute of it. The picture is from a couple weeks ago, but I'll get better about posting some new ones soon.
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