As is evident in the photos, Kai is growing more and more each day. He is becoming a lean and long little boy before our eyes. Four short months ago, Kai was malnourished, wearing 3-6 month old pants; today, Kai is thriving and in a size 12 m! The transformation has been truly astonishing.
Kai continues to wow his speech therapist each week. He is a gifted little boy. At this point, Kai is using about 60 signs on his own. Lately he has begun combining signs to create phrases. He has begun to say the initial sound of words begining with the letters "b", "g", "h," "y", "m", "n" and "d" when prompted.
We have been taking advantage of the beautiful autumnal weather and visiting the playground as often as possible. He has begun to assert confidence in his climbing skills and is quite the ambassador. He sweetly greets each visitor of "his" playground with several fistfuls of wood chips, a sort of house warming gift really. He thinks he is a "big boy" ans eagerly joins the older children in their play. They kindly include him and enjoy his smiles.
Unfortunatly, Kai will need to scale back some of his physical activity after next week. On Thursday, he is scheduled to have his lip and nose revision surgery. The doctor will remove the heavy, visible scarring and make his mouth and nostrils more symetrical in appearance. Kai will also be fitted with ear tubes at this time to reduce fluid build up. He will stay one night, perhaps two before being discharged. He will be quite sore for several days as the inflamation begins to subside. By the end of the week, it is expected that he should feel more comfortable and resume normal play. It will be tricky to keep him from falling or bumping it, but we will just remain extra vigillant. I've started accumulating some new toys as a distraction during this recovery period. It will definately be tough for a few days, but he is resilliant and will benifit from it as he grows older. (Is my pep talk too obvious? I am really dreading this and am just hoping that we have made the right decision here. There is just no way to feel confident about someone operating on your child. Sigh.)
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