I know that my posts have been few and far between, but truthfully, its the best I can do right now. Since surgery, Kai has not been sleeping well, and so neither have I. An unfortunate consequence of surgery for kids like Kai is that for many weeks, sleeping patterns are rough. Kai almost never naps these days, when he does, it is only for a half hour. For the first 4-5 days post-op, Kai had terrible insomnia and even night terrors one evening. These days, Kai wakes up every 2-3 hours screaming and needs to be rocked back to sleep. This will likely continue for another two weeks. As you can imagine, blogging is hard to do. Kai is extremely active. It's been difficult keeping up with him. His lack of sleep and "busy" play have caused him to bump his lip a few times. Unfortunately, the stitch above his lip was damaged and he will have a thicker scar in that area than he should have. It is really hard to keep a toddler from running, climbing, falling and all the other activities that come naturally to him. More on that later.
Anyway, last weekend, we had a great time meeting up with the other families that traveled with us to China. It was wonderful to catch up with these folks and watch the children play together. Here are a couple of pix from that event.

I broke out one of Kai's play costumes the other day to combat the tired tantruming and keep him occupied until bedtime. He perked right up when he saw himself in the mirror and gave his ears a wiggle. He matched his pet monkey perfectly. Who wouldn't be excited about a tail and monkey belly?

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