After tiring of his apron, Kai yanked it off and began to "photograph" me taking pictures of him.
Kai got a hold of one of his playdough cookie cutters and had no difficulty using it to entertain himself. F.Y.I. stars make great little hats and facial ornaments.
For all his cuteness in these pictures, Kai has been "rough" this week! Those 2nd year molars are killing him (and me). This teething business isn't doing much for his usually sunny disposition.
In the morning, Kai and I are going to our adoption agency (China Adoption With Love, Inc.) to meet with families seeking information about Special Needs adoption. Hopefully Kai will tolerate this and not display some of the "choice" behaviors that he has been exhibiting this week. I've packed him a snack bag that would keep a grown man full for a week. I figure if he is gorging, he might forget that he has been fairly miserable lately, and give the grown ups a chance to talk. I'm not kidding about his snacks either; this is what I have prepared: cranberries, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, yogurt covered pretzels, assorted crackers and cucumber slices. I'll let you know how we make out. :)
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