So much can change in a year. At this time two years ago, Rob and I made the decision to switch from the traditional course of adoption, to the Special Needs program. Prior to that, we had not considered this path as an option for us. I often reflect upon how important that change in our plans was for our family's future. That one change led us to Kai, the son that we had been waiting for all those years. Today we have been a family, united through adoption, for exactly one year. We had come to know a little about Kai through updates and photos six months prior, but on May 9th we finally had the opportunity to care for our little boy and express our love for him. Twelve months has brought us so many changes. We had been "Rob and I" since high school. In so many ways, that was enough. Parenthood, however, has introduced us to a new set of emotions, a new reason for living. Kai has completed us, filling our house with a beautiful presence, noise, and general day to day craziness. Looking through these photos, you can see the dramatic changes in Kai's physique and self expression. What you cannot see, but that's just as real, are the changes that have occurred behind that camera lens. Kai has altered the way I see the myself and the world around me. I am forever grateful for the lessons Kai has taught me and for the sense of purpose I feel as his mother.
This first year with Kai has been more wonderful than I have words to express. I look forward to the rest of my life with this little boy.






October (Kai had a nose and lip revision a few weeks before. The swelling remained for several months as he healed.)





May 9th and 10th...Our first two days together

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